Weight Loss Programs

Have You Tried Every Fad Diet but Still Haven’t Lost Weight? Or worse – did you lose weight and have it come roaring back shortly after? The truth is, you might have a specific health issue that is standing in the way between you and your ideal body. We have GREAT news for you! Thanks to the amazing testing system in our office, we can determine exactly what is keeping you from losing weight. Together, we will customize a weight loss program specifically for your specific body and your goals. For example, you might benefit from one of the following programs:

3 Programs

Candida Weight Loss Program

Some people experience a dramatic weight loss when they switch to a Candida diet. Often this is a good thing. The Candida diet is full of healthy vegetables, non-glutinous grains and proteins. So when Candida sufferers quit junk food and start a more balanced diet, the fat just naturally falls off.

Hormone Balancing Program

Are hormonal imbalances part of the reason you're overweight? That's the claim behind The Hormone Diet. Fluctuations in certain hormone levels may contribute to stubborn belly fat, weight gain, sluggishness, stress, a lagging libido, sugar cravings, and health problems.

Sugar Handling Program

The number one drawback to a contemporary Western diet is the fact that it is so saturated with refined sugars. Everything we eat, from bread to fruit juice, contains sugar, and this prevents countless people from achieving the weight loss and general health goals they dream of. Thankfully, there are ways to break this cycle of sugar addiction.

Weight Loss Benefits

We understand how unique your body is and we cater all our weight loss programs to fit you, and only you!

Would you like to experience any of the following…?

Weight Reduction
Rid Yourself of Food Allergies
Increased Energy & Vitality
Lower Cholesterol
Improved Digestion
Improved Physical Appearance
Clearer Thinking
Eliminate Headaches
Clearer Skin

Call our office today or sign up for a FREE Weight Loss Seminar to learn more about this and the many other services we offer!